Hear It From Me…

I had been contemplating on when I would write this post… and it seems like now is the best time. By now, many of you have heard that I stepped down a few weeks ago as Lead Pastor of Mosaic Church DC. So, I just wanted to post the letter that I read to the church… so that you guys hear it from me, and not through the grapevine:

This is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to say… but, during a time of hurt/pain, weariness, and depression, I got caught up in sin for a short time. I have since repented of that sin, confessed it to God and to others, and have submitted myself to a handful of pastors/friends for accountability, next steps, and restoration. However, I do need to step away from ministry for a season… to work on pursuing health for myself and for my family. Therefore, effective today, I am resigning as the Lead Pastor of Mosaic Church. The healing that needs to take place on all fronts is a long process, and therefore requires my not trying to lead a congregation in the midst of that.
I also need to ask your forgiveness. My decision to step down will cause a mega shift in your life, as far as church is concerned. “Pastor D” will no longer be your pastor. But please know that this entire situation is in the hand of God… as this is His church, He will continue to set the course and lead the way. Continue to trust Him, continue to give yourselves to Him and to this ministry, regardless of who is leading from up front.
I love you with all my heart. I will never forget you. This may end our ministry together for at time, but hopefully not our friendship.
Please keep me in your prayers,

Please understand that I have been as publicly transparent as possible, while still trying to preserve and protect the privacy of my family. I have made full disclosure with the band of pastors walking with me, as well as our denominational leadership. I have not hidden anything. However, please understand that this is not an easy situation… and, as such, I ask that you be very prayerful for my family and I during this season of healing.

God is getting us through this… His faithfulness has been amazing… and your prayers have been felt. Mosaic continues to go on… please keep the church in your prayers, as well.
Thank you so much.


Man… that was THE HARDEST TIME in my entire life. Twelve yeqrs later, here is qn update:

* Things did not work out for Marquita and I. What most people did not know at the time was thatmwe BOTH had been unfaithful (although only my sin was made public). It was a very difficult time foe me, and I felt we needed at leqst a temporary separation; but Keda filed for divorce and I did not contest it.

* I stayed out of ministry on all facets for about a year and a half. Then, I was invited to become the Worship Leader at Shadyside Baptist Church in Shadyside, MD. I did that every other Sunday for a year, while playing in the band at one of the campuses of National Community Church (Pastor Mark Batterson) on DC on the other Sundays.

* After a few short Teaching Pastor stints (Centerpoint Church in Annapolis, MD: Life Church in Upper Marlboro, MD;and Victory Community Church in Annandale, VA), I moved to Baltimore, MD where I currently reside.

* One of the things that brought me back to MD was… MARRIAGE! 🙂 My wife, Hope,and I were married in 2016. I would write more, but keep reading the blog… skip a few years… and you will meet her in later pages. 🙂

* The boys are also doing awesome. DJ is now 24 and Shawn is22 -they are “grown and om their own” lol; Seth just graduated high school, will be 18 in a few weeks, and is about to start working soon. The boys came to live with me 7 years ago, about a year before their Mom remarried and moved to S. Korea for a few years.

* God has been absolutely… amazingly… faithful! I am currently the Director of Training for Franchise Development at a staffing firm in downtown Baltimore. I STILL PREACH… though that has slowed down a bit with the pandemic. And I am currently working on my own Leadership Development & Coaching consulting business (in conjunction with being part of The John Maxwell Team).


24 thoughts on “Hear It From Me…

  1. Love you man and respect your honesty, humility and decision. God will restore this situation and you. You're not done in ministry my friend and in fact, a new form of ministry for you has already begun.No judgment, just hope. Can't wait to see where D-Plum ends up in a few years and how God uses his story!

  2. Prayers with you in this huge transition, for all peoples affected. Never easy to go with confession and consequences. Yet it's the right and good thing to do. Commend your courage. Feel for you and yours' pain.

  3. You, your family & Mosaic Church are definitely in my prayers. You being so transparent is an encouragement to me. I've been reading these past 2 weeks that through tests and trials God is testing us to see the strength of our faith in Him. Continue to stay encouraged and lean on Him. Love you with the love of the Lord & God Bless You.

  4. Hey man, you know that you and your family are in my prayers. I've known you for a long time and you are my close friend. Let God do His thing in this season of your life man. He'll pull you out in an amazing way. Love you man, give me a call if you need me.

  5. God is good- all the time & all the time-God is good!May you sense His presense & peace. May you grow and learn at this time. May your wife and family be strengthen and may God receive ALL the glory through this!!!

  6. Karla and I are praying for you, Keda and the kids. But I really wanted you to know that I admire your honesty and bravery. I respect you for being a man of God even in the midst of a setback. Thans for being a friend and please consider us your friends too. We love you and admire you.

  7. Hey Dude…this is Mike. Lennette and I are praying for you, and I admire your honesty and pursuit of Christ in the midst of a tough situation. I am always here for support and prayer. Friends help friends through a process, they don't leave them behind to fend for themselves. Lean on those who gather around you, but most of all…lean on Christ!Mike Parker

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